Monday, May 3, 2010

Final Decision


3rd May 2010, I make my final decision on what to study.
After 2 weeks of suffering asking here and there,
and fighting for
Finance, Financial Planning, Accountancy.
And, at last,
with my super-final decision,
I choose financial Planning.
I kick out accountancy since it will be a boring work for me,
and the concept is
"looking backwards", which always calculate the thing from the past.
While meanwhile, Finance / Financial Planning is base on
"looking forwards", which lead me to see on future.
So, when come across of Finance and Financial Planning,
Finance is kicked out,
since, it is too common or general which is just a cover of finance,
and Financial Planning is more specific,
and more energetic which does not required me to sit full-time in an office,
facing the document, and predicting without knowing outside world.
I hope I did make a good decision,
which bring me to a brighter future,
stable life, and enjoy.

Sorry SUNNY,
finally, I choose to stay here,
the place without any entertainment,
and ignore the choices of SUNWAY

Thanks, U.
I am happy to hear that answer from YOU,
but remember, I wont force YOU.
My life become colourful because of YOU.

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